WCF Returns REPORTS from PowerPay Payroll

Workers Compensation Fund (WCF)

WCF is a social security scheme meant to compensate workers (or their dependants in workers die) for accidents suffered & diseases contracted in course of employment as per provisions of the Workers Compensation Act No. 20 of 2008

Employers Should Furnish Returns of Earnings

• An employer shall, not later than the 31/03 in each year furnish the Director General with a return in the prescribed form certified by the employer, showing (S.73 (1)):

  1. Earnings paid by the employer during the period with effect from the 01/03 of the immediately preceding year up to & including the last day of Feb. of the following year
  2. Such further information as the Director General may require


Failure to comply with the requirement is an offence & shall on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding TZS 50 million or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 or to both

Get your WCF Returns REPORTS from PowerPay Payroll Package:

If you wish to download the WCF Returns form Click on the link below’S-RETURN-OF-EARNINGS-WCR-3-Download.pdf